Produced by: MANEKINO FILM
Financed by the Cinema Studio of the Romanian Ministry of Culture.
The film is a free re-construction of a real case: a man tried to cross the Danube illegally using an oxygen cylinder, to escape the communist Romania. Yet, the facts are reinterpreted in a highly subjective vision. A hybrid of fiction, documentary and video art, blending stylized, rigorously constructed re-enactments with strange archive materials, in visuals and sounds of a haunting quality, the film depicts an emotional landscape, a man’s inner journey towards a healing hereafter.
During the communist dictatorship in Romania (1945-1989), thousands of people risked their lives in the attempt to run away from the country. Despair made them invent the most incredible methods to cross the border illegally. Some of them managed to escape, but many lost their lives in these attempts.
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