Produced by: MANEKINO FILM (RO)
“Created as an experimental set-up between actress and director, the film feels its way into the memories and physicality of its protagonist. Looks, gestures and smells combine to form a narrative of great beauty. The tension between desire and fulfilment is sketched through the history of a body; a slow affirmation of the sensual present moment begins. This set-up of a documentary-fictional improvisation has a lasting effect.”
DIARY#2 was filmed within BINGER FILMLAB Amsterdam, as part of the research for the feature film project TOUCH ME NOT, by Adina Pintilie, project selected in Cinefondation Atelier – Cannes Film Festival 2012, winner of ARTE France Award in Cinemart Rotterdam 2011 and of the Main Production Award in Torino Filmlab 2011. TOUCH ME NOT is a Romanian French German coproduction, whose shooting is planned for 2014. DIARY #2 was realized under the inspiring guidance of the BINGER FILMLAB advisors: Marten Rabarts, Molly Malene Stensgaard, Franz Rodenkirchen, Arne Bro, Ian Sellar, Judith Weston, Bianca Taal.
The screening in the International Competition of OBERHAUSEN was DIARY#2′s international premiere. The festival promotion of the film is supported by the Romanian National Cinema Center.
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