“In an institution for the mentally impaired in Calugareni (Romania), Don’t Get Me Wrong follows the everyday existence of its residents and penetrates a hermetic world where the social conventions escape common reasoning. The relationships between these individuals – who apparently find it impossible to integrate into current society – does not correspond to the classical schemas, but reflect precious human values. (…)
The twenty-seven year old Romanian filmmaker demonstrates a rare artistic and above all human sensibility. In this place, so easily assumed to be full of human squalor, she succeeds in capturing the protagonists’ intrinsic beauty and has made visible these sweet delicate souls, prisoners of their physical deficiencies.”
Somewhere, sometime… A world in which time runs the same as stones are falling implacably on stones. A self sufficient universe, with rules that escape the common logic, and, even though, perfectly valid. Days go by, between daily routine and endless conversations about life, death, God, weather forecast: what is divine and what is not? Who brings and who stops the rain? After all, what is normal and what is not?
On the fragile border between fiction and documentary, the film is a contemplative experience, following the existence of a marginal community that has a profound and unaltered human value, although it is considered “null” from a social utilitarian point of view.
Apparently absurd actions get a second meaning, deeply emotional – the only way to escape the essential absurdity of existence is love.
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